
Enchantment the Witches Art of Manipulation by Gesture Gaze and Glamour Pdf


My gods are not expressionless.

My gods are alive.

My gods are present.

My gods are interactive.

My gods are hidden.

My gods are subconscious in the debaucharies, in the bars, the formal settings where you lot wear a nice adapt and drink a drinking glass of wine.

My gods are hidden in the fields of grass, the sunshine upon my face up.

My gods are hidden in the beautiful pearls around a woman'due south neck, in the children running around.

My gods are hidden in the shadows that scout over u.s.a., in the air, cars and sea when we travel.

My gods are in the waves, or by the fire identify. They are in the music we hum and heed to.

My gods are not dead. They are alive and with us.




How do you personally feel well-nigh incorporating rhymes into your incantations/charms/spells/so on and so forth? When I was a wee witch child, it was kind of sealed into my brain that rhyming was necessary (can't remember the rationale). At present that I'm older, I feel similar information technology hinders me in my craft, especially when I need to write a spell apace. Just reaching out for personal thoughts/preferences; they're much appreciated!

It'southward indeed something left over from our wiccan roots. I feel there are pros and cons to rhyming spells.


  • It'south easier to recall. I feel spells have more than ability when they're spoken from memory (or from the middle) and so rhyming spells are easier to call up
  • To write them takes more effort. You lot're searching for the right cadency, the right words, which takes longer than writing a uncomplicated judgement. More endeavour means more than energy to put in your spell
  • It feels witchier. Well-nigh witches in media have spells that rhyme and that has become ingrained in how we meet and experience witches. Spells that rhyme experience witchier to me, which could empower the spell


  • Finding the right words. Sometimes, to make a spell rhyme, y'all will need to get your thesaurus and find a discussion that rhymes with what you've already have, merely ways what you demand. But words tin can take multiple meanings. So sometimes in your quest to notice a rhyming discussion, the themes of your spell can change. Permit's take forest for example. Yous need as a theme the word forest, greenery and life and growth and many many copse. The discussion forest conjures exactly the feelings and images that y'all need, but information technology doesn't rhyme. So you take the thesaurus and find the discussion covert, which likewise ways forest and rhymes yay! However, covert also means shrouded and veiled, not the feelings or imagery yous were going for. This could effect the experience or theme of the spell.
  • It's difficult. I'm not peachy at information technology, I'll exist the first to admit. If I decide to do a rhyming spell it'll take several hours spread out over several days. And sometimes I just need something to happen now, own't nobody got time for that flowery spellcrafting

In the end spellwork is about raising energy and when that it at its peak, releasing it into the globe with intent and purpose, which is done through spoken discussion. If it rhymes or not is up to you lot, what you lot think is easier. Sometimes that's a small rhyme that you know past heart, sometimes it's a single sentence clearly stated. Both can be just every bit powerful.

Not bad points!





How do you personally experience virtually incorporating rhymes into your incantations/charms/spells/so on and and then forth? When I was a wee witch kid, it was kind of sealed into my brain that rhyming was necessary (can't remember the rationale). Now that I'grand older, I experience like information technology hinders me in my craft, particularly when I demand to write a spell speedily. But reaching out for personal thoughts/preferences; they're much appreciated!

A lot of my spells rhyme because it's easier to chant a rhythm. Only as well because well-nigh of my poetry rhymes and it'south what I fall into when writing.

I don't do structured spells per se simply practice employ incantations/mantra which are usuallyyyy either iambic pentameter or some other rhythm, plus a rhyme scheme, merely because I notice writing them to exist a kind of magic in itself and very satisfying, plus the "beat" being helpful for meditation…. buttt that said, I discover a lot of typical rhyming spells and witchy poems and such to sound super cheesy and silly.

I experience similar a lot of rhymes are kind of forced? And could potentially detract from what you're actually trying to invoke? Like if there's another give-and-take you really want to apply but tin't considering it doesn't rhyme, so that tin can really lead to things feeling "off". Or peculiarly if you experience like you're "wasting" a lot of time on rhyming and how things sound vs how things feel. It tin be super mentally draining and accept a longgg to write a natural sounding rhyme which expresses your intentions properly. Which I personally enjoy because then it feels more powerful Only I and then terminate up reusing the aforementioned poems/verses for basically almost everything lol

^^^ That's my biggest upshot right there!!! I spend and then much time trying to make something rhyme using words that really dont pack a punch. Particularly when I Demand to employ sure words, but they don't fit the rhyme scheme! I feel similar I'grand lessening the power of my intention.

The Bible and Witchcraft: Function 4


Concluding time we talked nigh Joseph and his use of oneiromancy. This time we continue with talking about Joseph and another type of divination. Strangely, this is the i occurrence of witchcraft in the Bible I take seen anti-witchcraft preachers and bloggers really flip out over and try and explain away. I'yard not sure why the earlier mentions from Parts i-3 don't go the same treatment.

Proceed reading

Magickal Folk Names for Herbs



Having knowledge of herbs and plants (either magically or medicinally) during the Middle Ages, often was reason plenty to accuse a adult female of being a "witch," so there is no doubtfulness some of the country folk at the time took these herbal folk names literal.  Chances are, these names were used only as descriptors to assist retrieve them easier.  Virtually plants were given names descriptive of their uses and others were given names for something they generally resembled. Spells written by witches in ancient times were often written with such descriptors, which personally i believe to be a form of cloak-and-dagger coding.

Here is a small list of "witchy" herb names (near of these are already floating around the community) that you tin can use in your craft when you create your spells.  This list could exist a great improver to whatsoever Grimoire and i promise yous observe them equally useful as i practise.

Enjoy ~~~  Cannawitch


Aaron's Rod - Goldenrod or mullein stalk
Absinthe - Wormwood
Adder'due south Fork - Adder's Tongue Fern or Bistort
Adder's Tongue - Dog's Tooth Violet (or Adder's Tongue Fern
Ague root - Unicorn root
Alison - Sweet Alyssum
Angel Nutrient, Archangel - Angelica
Angel's Trumpet - Datura
Ass'south Ear - colt'southward pes or comfrey
Donkey's Pes, Balderdash's Human foot - colt's foot
Auld Man's Bells, Old man's bells - wood hyacinth, Hyacinthoides hispanica

Bad Man'due south/Devil's Oatmeal/Porridge - hemlock
Bad Man'south/Devil'southward Plaything - Yarrow
Bounder - imitation Dittany
Bat flower - tacca
Bat's Fly - Holly leafage
Bat's Wool - moss (which moss?)
Carry's Foot - Lady's Mantle
Comport'southward Grape Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Bear Mitt - ramsons Allium ursinum or the root of male fern Dryopteris Felix-mas
Deport weed - Yerba Santa Eriodictyon californicum
Beard of a Monk - Chicory
Ragamuffin's Lice - Hound'southward natural language
Beggar's Buttons - Burdock
Bird'southward Eye - Speedwell Veronica officinalis
Bird's Foot - Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum (Likewise bird's foot violet and bird's human foot trefoil)
Bird'due south Nest - carrot, Indian piping
Bishop's Wort, Bishop's Elderberry - Wood betony Stachys betonica
Biting Grass - Ague Root Aletris Farinosa
Blackness Sampson - Echinacea
Blazing Star - liatris
Blind Eyes - Poppy
Blood from a head - Lupine *
Claret from a shoulder - Bear'south breech *
Claret of a Goose - Sap from a mulberry * Morus nigra
Blood of an Center - Tamarisk gall * (probably the tannin extracted from)
Blood of Ares - purslane *
Blood of Hephaestus - wormwood *
Claret of Hestia - Chamomile *
Claret - sap of the elder or bloodwort
Encarmine butcher - Valerian
Bloody Fingers - Foxglove
Blue Canteen - Bachelor'due south buttons
Boy'south Love, Lad'south Love: Southernwood
Brain Thief - Mandrake
Bone of an Ibis - buckthorn * I am non sure if this is Rhamnus cathartica or ocean buckthorn Hippophae spp If I tin notice a recipe containing this, I will know for certain by comparing its purpose to their very unlike qualities
Bread and Cheese - Hawthorn
Bride of the Meadow - meadowsweet
Balderdash'south Claret - beet or horehound
Burning bush - false dittany, too a modern proper noun for species of Euonymus
Cow's Horn - Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum
Bride of the Sun - calendula
Brown Dragon - wake robin
Buttons - tansy

Calf'south snout - Snapdragon
Candlemas Maiden - snowdrop
Candlewick - mullein, the flower stalk
Capon's Tail - valerian
Carpenter's Herb - bugleweed Lycopus europaeus
Carpenter'due south Foursquare - knotted figwort
Carpenter'southward weed - Yarrow
Cat - catnip
Cat's foot - white balsam, black cohosh, ground ivy
Cat's herb - valerian
Chameleon star - bromeliad
Cheeses - marsh mallow
Chocolate bloom - wild geranium (I don't buy it)
Christ'south eye - wild clary Salvia verbenaca
Christ's ladder - centaury
Christ's spear - adder's tongue fern Ophioglossum vulgatum
Church steeple - Agrimony
Clear eye - clary sage
Cleavers - bedstraw
Click - goosegrass
Jell - great mullien
Cocklebur - Agrimony
Cock's comb - amaranth
Filly's Tail - fleabane
Crane's bill - wild geranium
Crow'south foot - wild geranium, or woods anemone bulbous buttercup (verified)
Crowdy kit - figwort
Cuckoo's staff of life - common plantago
Cucumber tree - magnolia
Cuddy's lungs - great mullein
Crown for a king - wormwood

Dagger flower - blue flag
Daphne - bay laurel
Expressionless man's bells foxglove
Expiry angel - fly agaric Amanita Muscaria
Death cap - wing agaric Amanita Muscaria
Death flower - Yarrow
Death's Herb - Belladonna
Please of the Heart - rowan
Devil Establish - basil
Devil's Apple - Mayapple or Mandrake
Devil's beard - houseleek
Devil's bit - faux unicorn root
Devil's cherries Belladonna berries
Devil's plaything - yarrow
Devil's dung - asafoetida
Devil's ear - wakerobin
Devil's eye - henbane or periwinkle
Devil'southward blossom - bachelor's buttons
Devil's fuge - mistletoe
Devil'due south guts - dodder
Devil's herb - belladonna
Devil'southward milk - celandine
Devil's nettle - yarrow
Devil's Shoestring: Various varieties of vibernum, esp Black Haw, balk bark, hobblebush
Dew of the Sea - Rosemary
Dog Berry - wild rose hips
Dog'southward oral fissure - snap dragon
Canis familiaris'southward tongue - hound's natural language
Dove's human foot - wild geranium
Dragon - tarragon
Dragon Flower - blue flag (really, wild iris? not an arum or a Antirrhinum?)
Dragon wort - bistort
Dragon's blood - calamus

Hawkeye - ramsons Allium ursinum
Globe apple - irish potato
Earth smoke- fumitory
Elf's wort - Elecampane
Enchanter's constitute - vervain
Englishman'southward fruit/ White human's foot - common plantain
Everlasting friendship - goosegrass
Eye root - goldenseal

Fairy smoke - Indian pipe
Fairy fingers - foxglove
Fat from a Caput - spurge *
Felon herb - Mugwort
Five fingers - cinquefoil
Fox's Clote - burdock
Frog's foot - bulbous buttercup
From the belly - Globe-apple tree. * murphy?? Did the writers know most potatoes? When was pgm written?
From the pes - houseleek *
From the loins - chamomile *

Goat's pes - morning time celebrity
Caprine animal'southward Horn - Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum
God's pilus - hart'due south natural language fern
Golden's star - avens
Gosling'south wing - goosegrass
Graveyard dust - mullein (and sometimes it's just graveyard dust)

Hag'south taper - mullien stalk
Hagthorn - hawthorn
Pilus of Venus - Maidenhair fern
Hairs of a Hamadryas Birdie: Dill Seed *
Hare'southward beard - mullein
Hawk's Middle, Old Woman - Wormwood Artemisia absinthium crown or seed head *
Hind's tongue - hart'due south tongue fern
Holy herb - yerba santa
Holy rope - hemp agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum
Horse tongue - hart's natural language fern
Hundred eyes - periwinkle

Innocence - bluets

Jacob'due south Staff - Not bad Mullein
Joy of the Mountain - Marjoram
Jupiter's Staff - Great Mullein

Rex'due south Crown: Black Haw vibernum
Knight's Milfoil - Yarrow
Kronos' Blood - sap of Cedar *

Lady'south glove - foxglove
Lamb'south ears - betony but more probable lamb's ear Stachys byzantina
Lion'due south Hair - The extra little roots that stick out of the turnip seedling or the base leaves Brassica rapa *
King of beasts's tooth - dandelion
Footling dragon - tarragon
Beloved in idleness - pansy
Love Lies Bleeding - amaranth (Non and then aboriginal, a modern ornamental variant)
Dearest Leaves - burdock
Love homo - goosegrass
Love Parsley - lovage
Love root - orris root

Maiden's Ruin - Southernwood
Human being'due south Bile - Turnip Juice *
Human's Wellness - Ginseng
Master of the Woods - Woodruff
May Lily - Lily of the Valley
May Rose - Blackness Haw viburnum
May - Black Haw viburnum
Maypops - Passion Flower
Mistress of the Dark - Tuberose
Mutton Chops - Goosegrass

Nose Bleed - Yarrow

Old Man's Flannel - Great Mullein
Old Man's Pepper - Yarrow
Old-Maid's-Nightcap - Wild Geranium

Password - primrose
Peter'due south Staff - Slap-up Mullein
Poor Man'south Treacle - Garlic
Priest'southward Crown - Dandelion leaves

Queen of the Meadow Root - Gravelroot
Queen of the Meadow - Meadowsweet
Queen of the Night - Vanilla Cactus

Rats and Mice - Hound's tongue
Ram's horn - valerian
Band a Bells - bluebell
Robin run in the grass - goosegrass

Scaldhead - blackberry
Seed of Horus - horehound
See bright - Clary sage
Semen of Ammon - Houseleek *
Semen of Ares - Clover *
Semen of Helios - White Hellebore *
Semen of Hephaistos - Fleabane *
Semen of Herakles - arugula *
Semen of Hermes - Dill *
7 Year'south Beloved Yarrow
Shameface - Wild Geranium
Shepherd's Middle - Shepherd's Purse
Silver Bells - Black Haw viburnum
Snake Root - black cohosh
Soapwort - Comfrey or Daisy or maybe Soapwort
Wizard's Violet - Periwinkle
Sparrow's Natural language - Knotweed
St. John'south Herb - Hemp Agrimony
St. John'due south Establish - Mugwort
Star Bloom - Borage
Star of the Earth - Avens
Starweed - Chickweed
Sweethearts - Goosegrass
Swine's Snout - Dandelion leaves

Tail of a Sus scrofa - Leopard'due south bane *
Tanner's bark - toadflax
Tartar root - ginseng
Tears of a Hamadryas Birdie - Dill Juice *
K weed - yarrow
Thunder plant - houseleek
Titan'due south Blood - Wild Lettuce Lactuca virosa *
Torches - mullein flower stem

Unicorn's horn - unicorn root or faux unicorn root
Urine - dandelion or mayhap urine

Wax dolls - fumitory
Weasel - rue
Weasel snout - yellow archangel
Winter woods - wild cinnamon Canella alba
White - ox eye daisy
Witch'southward Asprin - white willow bawl (this is ancient?)
Witch'due south brier - wild brier rose hips
Wolf claw - lodge moss
Wolf's foot - bugleweed
Wolf'southward milk - euphorbia
Woodpecker - herbLpeony
Worm fern- male fern Dryopteris Felix-mas

Yerba Santa Maria - epazote

Found Parts/Body Parts

Blood - Sap or juice
Eye - The disc of a blended blossom, or a seed
Human foot - Leafage
Guts - Roots, stalks, tangly bits
Pilus - Very stringy roots (sometimes silk or tangly stems)
Head - Flower head or seed head
Tail - Stem
Tongue - Petal, sometimes stigma
Toes - leaf or bud
Paw - sometimes bud, usually foliage
Privates - Seed pod
Worm - stringy roots
Wool - Moss


A Snake'southward Ball of Thread - soapstone *
Claret of a Snake - hematite *
Crocodile Dung - Soil from Ethiopia *
A Physician's bone - sandstone *

Beast Parts

A Snake's Caput - A leech *
Blood of a Hyrax - A stone badger, * minor weasel-similar/rodent-like (but actually neither) creature native to Africa and the Centre East
Blood of a Hamadryas Baboon - Blood of a spotted gecko *
Balderdash's semen - the egg of a blister protrude *
Lion Semen - Homo semen *
Kronos' Spice - Pig Milk *

* From Ecloga ex Papyris Magicis: Liber I, Five, xxvi

More Sources for verification -

  • Galen - De succedaneis, Claudii Galeni Opera Omnia, v 19
  • Paulus Aegineta, Corpus Medicorum Graecorum IX/2 vII
  • Dioscorides De Materia Medica
  • Witchipedia
  • Lady Raven
  • Tryskelion

A Long List of Means to Spiritually Protect Yourself


(Updated from this old list here.)

Shielding is a exercise entirely congenital on your intention–if you desire an eternal shield, you tin have it. If you believe in your shield, it volition exist there. There are many ways that are incredibly powerful with but the slightest trust and a piddling bit of practice. Every bit soon as possible, start to do shielding and methods of spiritual protection, since practice, along with your intention, volition create the nigh powerful shields.

Also, you lot can never shield to much. It'due south amazing and very empowering to have layer upon layer of shielding, and the energy and fourth dimension you put into shielding will actually salvage you a lot of energy and time in the future. Even just walking around, through crowds, cities, etc, drains your energy–negative energy is everywhere, and consciously seeking merely the energy for your all-time and highest good will really, truly, and completely empower you.

You tin can shield from anything and everything, just make sure to permit in things for your "best and highest interest/good." ShCast every shield with this affidavit. This allows what people would consider "negative" emotions to still come through, then you can live a counterbalanced life, since non all emotions that are considered negative actually are. This affirmation effectively but allows things that raise or remainder your vibration, and aid you lot to spiritually evolve. Information technology won't cut you off from anything necessary. Shields themselves will never overwhelm or smother you, since they are meant solely for your needs and will e'er let in positive energy. Here are some simple methods to brainstorm shielding, but you tin can always prefer them with your own needs and intentions! Do what works for you, only make sure to shield when practicing spirit or energy work of any sort.

Robe of White Light:

  • Focus for a moment on calming yourself, and once you have a clear mind, imagine a nice fluffy robe around you (I always imagine ane like in the game Journey) made of white and protective light. This is the universe's energy, and nothing sick can penetrate it once it is surrounding you.
  • It is recommended to repeat once or twice a day to maintain the shielding.
  • Y'all can as well utilise the affirmation of "I phone call upon a robe of loving and protective white light, knowing that it will protect me from all free energy not in my highest interest. This robe protects me with the ability of the Universe/Source/God."

Guardian Protection:

  • Inquire your guardian spirits (either aloud or through your mind) to protect y'all.
  • Ever command that the guardians who assist that they "come in light." And if not, say they must get out. Yous don't even have to know their name, simply if they aren't here to help, then they shouldn't exist around you. So just command this and all with ill intentions will be forced to leave.
  • Phone call on them for a need by demand ground.

Auric Hardening:

  • Imagine your aura (trust whatever colour you see in your mind'south eye), so imagine it hardening, like information technology'southward calcifying around yous. It can become as hard every bit a rock, or like armor.
  • This can sometimes push away any energy exchanges, so you could feel more distant from positive interactions likewise. So, it'southward best used when a threat is around
  • Usually lasts between iv hours-two days, depending on the strength of your intention.

Sigil warding:

  • Describe with a pen, marker, or with the tip of your finger (if you don't need visible lines) a sigil with the intention of protecting yourself. A sigil is about basically an energetic line (or series of them) with an intention. The lines hold the energy and magnify the intention.
  • Hither are examples
  • A post on sigil crafting

Shielding with Intention and the Universe:

  • Calm yourself with a short animate meditation, and so focus on what you intend to shield-yourself, some other, or a identify.
  • Imagine casting a ball of lite towards the designated target, with the intention of allowing the Universe/Source to aqueduct through you and shield whatever you intend to.
  • Just watch and find equally the shield is built, knowing that it is fully fueled by the energy of the Universe and will stay there, and stay stiff, until the shield is released consciously by you.
  • Yous can specify this shield for certain purposes, like to only keep a spirit out, or to go on all negative spirits out.

Reiki Shielding and Protection:

  • In Usui Reiki, there is a technique your Reiki Masters should take taught y'all most warding and cleansing the room in white light. Channel Reiki energy to practice this.
  • If you are attuned to Reiki II, you should know the 1st symbol and that it tin can be used to stop all energy that is not in your highest good from coming towards you, working equally an effective shield when the symbol is called on.
  • You need to be properly attuned to Reiki for this.

Bubble shielding:

  • Similar to the white light or shielding with intention, but focusing on making and empowering a bubble effectually you.
  • Replenish this equally oftentimes as possible, since this is dependent on your own care.
  • Can be in an oval or a sphere shape. If this is hard to get a hang of, then try just fitting it a couple inches away from your body, similar to auric hardening.

Waterfall shielding:

  • A bubble shield with the intention of existing on top of an underneath bubble shield.
  • Focus on this shield and set up the intention of having information technology movement effectually like a waterfall. This style, someone sending negative energy has a very small chance of hit the same place twice.

Elemental shielding:

All of these are built with a specific intention and visualization of the shield. Time around such chemical element used will strengthen the shield, or a conscious meditation to depict the energy towards y'all and the shield.

  • Fire shield: Envision called-for fire, that will destroy all negative energy/energy non for your highest skilful, when information technology tries to enter your energetic space.
  • Water shield: Like to the waterfall shield, but with the visual of actual water flowing that can wash away all negative debris or toxicity clinging to whatever grade of bubble shield underneath it.
  • World shielding: This ane can block off positive energy too, since it works more like a layer of earth effectually the person. Though, it can also be envisioned to but grow/manifest around you in times of need or when y'all're being attacked or faced with negative energy. It tin can likewise block your tertiary middle from seeing outside. World shielding can also work as a means of grounding y'all, which doesn't have negative furnishings (as long as you lot don't neglect your upper chakras). If you basis yourself to the earth, and your are harmed or shaken by negative energy, you can replenish your energy from the earth.
  • Air shielding: Envision a fast current of air around yous that sweeps away all negative free energy or malevolent beings.
  • Light shielding: A bright white calorie-free that totally purifies all free energy that contacts it, similar to the robe of white light. Different colored lights can piece of work too, just they all take specific purposes that you should research first.
  • Ether shielding: Sometimes this works like a portal, transporting all malevolent free energy to another place in the universe. Only make sure to set the intention that things in your best and highest interest aren't afflicted, and that the travel won't severely harm anyone who is transported by the portal (since sometimes negative free energy can come from just someone in a bad mood).
  • Chaos shielding: Not e'er considered an element, but with the idea of scattering any negative energy–the sudden increment in entropy raises the vibration to something more than positive.
  • Shadow and smoke shielding: Imagining either element around yous, more often than not for cloaking and making your energy less obvious. This is great for astral projection and spiritual travel when you lot don't desire to exist noticed. You can infuse the free energy with an intention of how you want to be perceived, like if a threat comes, and so you can suddenly enhance this shield and make the smoke cause you to seem dangerous, scaring off the opponent.

Halo shielding:

  • Imagine a series of halos that spin quickly around you, moving to knock away negative energy if it approaches your space. This can be inside or outside of a chimera or light based shield.

Protection charms and enchanted objects:

  • Work fabricated past you, when you have a lot of experience, in creating a sigil charm or enchanted object meant for protection. This tin also be from someone who has passed down a family protection amulet (just research it and breast-stroke it in light to clear any possible negative energy on it), or from an experienced energy worker making protection amulets, charms, or objects.
  • Some are religiously charged, similar crosses, pentagrams, etc. If this matches your belief, your belief will empower information technology.


Advice from an hereditary witch's grandmother: things a crone has to say


My witch of a grandmother gave me her cute encyclopedia on healing plants to gloat Ostara!

I told her about my web log and she asked me to share some of her advice "for those lovely cyberspace disciples of yours".

No, Yeyé, that's not how this works…

Merely hey! When the crone talks, you lot listen!


"A jar of glass keeps away envious spirits and people who want to injure you."


"Everything dead deserves to exist honored."


"Strings of seeds bring prosperity."


"A stone in the windowsill is a soldier that keeps away thieves, only make sure information technology's not a pretty stone cause they might steal it!"


"When you lot trim a vine, keep some branches past the door so all the hard work you've done doesn't disappear in a single day!"


"When you're quondam and tin't movement so much anymore, keep a jar of seeds past the Gods so they can choice their offerings equally they please."


"I keep lavender by the reckoner because information technology helps me call back how to open Facebook. Lavender is good for memory. Tell your friends of the internet."


"I keep the obsidian and the agathe geodes in front of the TV so there will be no bad news."

So in that location you take information technology.

Advice from an accurate crone with over 70 years of Craft , Sometime Yeyé.

She wishes you all many blessings and love and hopes yous are all well guided.

Happy new season from lucky Old Yeyé!


-Semiramis the Magpie Witchling

A Folk Witch Library



Hidden like Viking gold under the landscape there is a rich body of nearly lost folkwitch tradition hiding in evidently sight on the cyberspace. Particularly in the 18th and 19th century antiquarians, folklorists and ethnologists documented the rural and occasionally urban folk beliefs of practically all of the UK and much of Europe. Organizations like the Folklore Society, founded in 1878, were created to aid catalog and publish this trunk of collected ethnological data. A vast repository of a spectrum of witch and cunning craft practices.

Beneath are a list of links to various sources on the internet. The non Abramhamic roots of British folk traditions date from an era of Celtic settlers, and thus much of the spirit tradition concerns beings nosotros now collectively call "fairies", though their origins and nature differ greatly.

Books Bachelor Online for free:

Folklore Guild/Folk-Lore Journal:

Over 100 publications made by the Folk-Lore Society can be plant on Unfortunately these are mostly unsorted, although they stand for a massive amount of folkwitch information. Especially in the realm of curses, hexes, salves, second sight, and purlieus magic.

I will be launching a separate blog dedicated to delving into the contents of the Folklore Lodge's publications in the next few weeks. In the concurrently - Happy digging: Link to archive of Folklore Journal

Books whose content focuses on first-mitt accounts of folk traditions, alpha by author. (* denotes peculiarly important titles)

Richard Blakeborough
- Wit, Graphic symbol, Folklore and Customs of the Northward Riding of Yorkshire (1898)

J G Campbell
- Witchcraft & Second Sight in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland (1902)
- Superstitions of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland, Collected entirely from Oral Sources (1900)*

Edward Clodd
- Tom Tit Tot - an essay on savage philosophy in folk-tale (1898)

Oswald Cockayne
- Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England (1864)

Thomas Crofton Croker
- Fairies Tales and Legends of the Due south of Ireland (1834)*

John Graham Dalyell
- The Darker Superstitions of Scotland (1834)*

Walter Evans-Wentz
- The Fairy-Organized religion in Celtic Countries (1911)

Richard Folkard
- Plant Lore, Legends and Lyrics (1892)

W. Gregor
- Notes on the Folklore of the North East of Scotland (1881)

Lady Gregory
- Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland (1920)*

William Henderson
- Notes on the Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders (1866)*

Thomas Keightley
- The Fairy Mythology (1828)

Robert Kirk
- The Secret Republic (1893, written 1691)*

Fiona Macleod (William Sharp)
- Where the Forest Murmurs (Nature Essays) 1906

James Napier
- Folk Lore - Superstitious Beliefs in the Westward of Scotland within this Century (1879)*

Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe
- A Historical Account of the conventionalities in Witchcraft in Scotland (1884)

Wirt Sikes
- British Goblins Welsh Folklore fairy mythology legends and traditions (1880)

Eve Simpson
- Folklore in Lowland Scotland (1908)

Benjamin Thorpe
-Northern Mythology, Comprising the Chief Pop Traditions and Superstitions of Scandinavia, Northward Frg, and the Netherlands
Volume 1
Volume 2
Book 3

Lady Wilde
- Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland *
Volume one
Volume 2
Volume three

Suggested books that are unfortunately in copyright or otherwise not currently available online:

(Links to goodreads and

Katharine Briggs
- The Beefcake of Puck (1959)*
- Pale Hecate's Squad (1962)*
- Fairies in English Tradition and Literature (1967)

Thomas Davidson
- Rowan Tree and Blood-red Thread (1949)

George Ewart Evans
- The Pattern Under the Plow (1971)*
- Ask the Boyfriend Who Cuts the Hay (1965)
- The Crooked Scythe

Harold Hansen
- The Witch's Garden (1978)

DA Mac Hand
-The Center Kingdom (1959)*

Emma Wilby
- Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits: Shamanistic Visionary Traditions in Early on Modern British Witchcraft and Magic (2005)*
- The Visions of Isobel Gowdie: Magic, Witchcraft and Dark Shamanism in Seventeenth-Century Scotland (2010)

Misc Curt manufactures:

Frederika Bain
- The Binding of the Fairies: Four Spells (2012)

Thomas Forbes
- Witch'southward Milk and Witches' Marks (link to pdf)*
(Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, XXII 1950)

Fae Honeybell
- Cunning Folk and Wizards In Early Modern England (2010) (link to pdf)

Canon J. A. Macculloch
- The Mingling of Fairy and Witch Beliefs in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Scotland
(Folk-Lore/Volume 32/1921)

Bearding asked: If I wanted to offset reading virtually the Witch Father of cunning arts and crafts where should I start? Preferably reading where application and work is in heed.


I accept three different answers to this question, and I repent for that.

ane. You'll encounter the 'Witchfather' (Horned God, Witch God, etc.) in a lot of books that people these days regard as being role of 'Traditional Witchcraft': Nigel Jackson's Masks of Misrule, and Call of the Horned Piper (both of which have exercises like the Sabbat song, the Rite of the Horns of Misrule, etc.) and Michael Howard's The Pillars of Tubal-Cain (which I do not recall having exercises, but I haven't revisited it in a long time). These tend to owe homage to even older works, like Evan John Jones and Doreen Valiente'south Witchcraft: A Tradition Renewed, The Roebuck in the Thicket (specifically Chapter viii: The Ritual of the Castle), and perhaps fifty-fifty Paul Huson's Mastering Witchcraft (which doesn't focus on the Horned One also much, merely has plenty of exercises).

2. Unfortunately, 'Cunning Magic' itself was not terribly concerned with much of the higher up. There were incidents in which cunning-men and women were defendant of, or admitted to, having dealings with 'the Devil,' or diabolic spirits in full general, but they aren't exactly many in number.

"Cunning-folk was but i of several terms used in England to describe multi-faceted practitioners of magic who healed the sick and the bewitched, who told fortunes, identified thieves, induced beloved, and much else besides. It is employed in a general sense hither not just considering it was widely used, but also because it conveniently encompasses both sexes. Wizard and conjuror were also popular terms in some regions, simply these were masculine titles, and to refer to wise-women and wise-men all the fourth dimension becomes unwieldy. White witch, although at present a part of common language, was actually niggling employed in popular speech prior to the twentieth century, except perhaps in Devon."
(Owen Davies, Popular Magic. P. Vii – Viii.)

And traditionally one of the things that cunning-folk did was fight malefic magic. Here's an excellent lecture past Professor Whiteson of Yale on magic and witchcraft in the early on mod period:

In it, he even explains part of what cunning-folk were resorted to for their work:

"Information technology [witchcraft fears] was partly because of the loss of the protective magic which had been supplied by the medieval Church. The Church of England immune the belief in witchcraft to continue, simply information technology wouldn't offer ecclesiastical means of counter-magic and it forbade people to resort to them."

As a event, people actually turned to practitioners of what Owen Davies calls 'pop magic,' and which Whiteson describes every bit:

"Just the world of magic also had its specialists; and they were those who known every bit the Cunning Folk, Cunning Men, or Wise-Women. These individuals were those who were known to have special knowledge, over and above the average cognition of magical practices, and who were often believed to have a special inherent power… oft inherited. It was thought to laissez passer in the blood. The Cunning Folk – who were pretty numerous – 1 survey of known Cunning Folk in East Anglia suggests at that place was a cunning homo inside ten miles of any village."

And in recent years, while the popularity of the term has been soaring, there has even been 1 cunning-man'due south grimoire published: The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet. It includes conjurations for fairies, demons, and even angels. Most of the 'working' parts are cobbled together from Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy, besides every bit sections of Reginald Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, portions of the Sloane collection of magical writings, and other, similar magical books that the author or authors had access to. The Book of Oberon, by Dan Harms, James Clark, and Joseph H. Peterson is closely related to the textile in Gauntlet's grimoire.

Other books recommended are Owen Davies' Murder, Magic, Madness, and Ronald Hutton's Triumph of the Moon for chapter half-dozen: Finding a Low Magic. These two practice not have much in the way of practice, but combined with some of the mentioned texts in a higher place, provide a better view of what cunning-folk were actually doing.

iii. Equally I mentioned earlier, in a few cases, nosotros practise find instances of cunning-folk interacting with diabolic spirits: Andrew Human being admitted to interacting with a spirit chosen 'Christsonday', who was:

"He knew Satan past the name of Christsonday, believing him to exist an angel, clad in white clothes, and God's godson, even though the latter had a 'thraw', or quarrel, with God, and was the lover of the elfin queen. Christsonday had marked the tertiary finger of Man'due south right mitt, presumably in proprietal style. Man reported that the Fairy Queen had control of the whole craft merely that Christsonday was the 'gudeman' who held all power under God. Furthermore he had seen dead men in the company of these two supranaturals, among them Thomas Rymour and James 4. Christsonday had appeared in the class of a horse ('staig') while the queen and her attendants rode on white steeds, when she convened to receive the obscene buss. The accused attested that elves or fairies adopted the shape and clothing of ordinary men, though they were mere shadows, simply more vigorous than mortals, and could indulge in playing and dancing whenever they pleased. The queen could cull to be old or young, could appoint anyone she liked as rex, and could make love with whomsoever she wished. Although Man manifestly met the elves in a fine chamber he would find himself in a moss, or bog, the next morning, their candles and swords turned into grass and straws; he had no fear of these creatures since he had known them all his days."
- Edward J. Cowan, "Witch Persecution and Folk Belief in Lowland Scotland: The Devil'due south Decade." (In Witchcraft and Belief in Early Modern Scotland, Edited by Julian Goodaire, Lauren Martin, & Joyce Miller. P. 84.)

And and so there is Isobel Gowdie, who again claimed to have known the Queen of the Fairies and… the Devil.

Which, while the above are certainly interesting, they don't necessarily represent the normal spectrum of practise in cunning-magic. They might not exist complete anomalies, either, though. In a earth where y'all tin can plough to spirits, people turned to (and encountered)… all kinds.

Anonymous asked: Practice you have any incantations or spells when it comes to seeing things through water? Or scrying through water.


"Not boil'd nor bubbl'd simply smooth as silk,
 Articulate as glass and night equally dark,
 Let me meet by blocks and their ilk,
 H2o grant me the witch's sight."


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